Meeting September 27th: Yale Peabody Museum tour and Entomology collections open house
Due to a personal conflict with the normal third Friday of the month for our regular schedule, we have arranged for our first meeting to be taking place one week later, on Friday, September 27.
Welcome to the new season of Connecticut Entomological Society! After a long wait, the Yale Peabody Museum has reopened. We will take this opportunity to have our first meeting this year at Yale, to have an informal tour of the newly redone museum.
We will meet at Yale’s Kline Geology Laboratory (KGL) Room 101 at 6:30 p.m. to share camaraderie, pizza, and other refreshments until 7:30 p.m., at which time there will be a business meeting. At approximately 7:45, we will have a tour of the Yale Peabody Museum, including an open house in the Entomology collections hosted by our own Dr. Larry Gall. There will be no formal presentation, and so no need for Zoom.
Members are welcome to bring displays, share entomological news, and to provide suggestions for this year’s programs.
We suggest parking at the lot located at 260 Whitney Avenue.
We hope to see you there!