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Meeting September 15th: Discovering Moths: Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Backyard

Please join us for our first CES meeting of the year at the Jones Auditorium, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 123 Huntington St., New Haven, CT, on September 15. We will attempt to provide access to the presentation via Zoom for those who cannot attend in person - please email for Zoom information.

The pre-meeting social starts at 6:30 p.m., the business meeting at 7:30, and the featured presentation at 8:00 p.m.

We are pleased to bring to you John Himmelman, who is an author, illustrator, naturalist, and popular lecturer. He is a co-founder and president of the CT Butterfly Association, past president of the New Haven Bird Club, past president of The Nature Connection and past president of the Killingworth Land Trust. He has lectured and led many trips afield in search of various flora and fauna throughout the country for over 30 years. Himmelman has written and illustrated many books for adults and children on a wide variety of natural history subjects.

Himmelman's presentation is entitled: Discovering Moths: Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Backyard

Meet the beautiful, fascinating, and underappreciated cousins of the butterflies...

This group of insects needs a better press agent! Less than 1% of the over 11,000 species in North America are considered pests. The rest show an AMAZING variety of color, shape and behavior missed by many of us, as we tend to be indoors at night when most (not all) are active. They're an ethereal thread in our faunal tapestry.

While you will learn about a couple of the pests (like, what's the connection between Gypsy Moths and a crater on Mars?) and how they got here, we'll mostly be celebratin the vast array of bewitching and beneficial species with whom we share our yards.

John is the author/photographer/illustrator of the book bearing the title of this program, and will have copies on hand for sale/signing.

Here are his websites: We hope to see you there!


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