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Biological Control of Invasive Species at URI: 25 years and counting!

Join us on February 19th for a talk by Dr. Lisa Tewksbury, titled "Biological Control of Invasive Species at URI: 25 years and counting!" over Zoom. Starting at 6:30 we will have a pre-meeting social, followed by a brief business meeting and the talk by Lisa at 7:30. Please contact for the Zoom meeting info.

Abstract: The URI Biocontrol lab opened over 25 years ago and has conducted many classical biocontrol programs over the years, including insect biocontrol (birch leaf miner and lily leaf beetle) and weed biocontrol (purple loosestrife and Phragmites). This presentation will review a few of the older projects as well as provide updates on current programs including management of invasive swallow-worts and research into potential biocontrol agents for spotted lanternfly.

Lisa's Bio: Lisa Tewksbury received her Bachelor's Degree in Plant Science and PhD in Environmental Science from the University of Rhode Island and her M.S. degree in Entomology from the University of Delaware. She has worked at the University of Rhode Island for over 35 years and is currently the director of the URI biocontrol lab. This facility includes a USDA certified containment facility to facilitate biocontrol research. The lab conducts research and implementation of biological control using insect natural enemies of invasive insect and weed species; among the current projects are biocontrol of swallow-worts, common reed (Phragmites), and Japanese Knotweed.


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